Riverland Tank and Drain is an expert service provider to help you in taking care of your rainwater tank in this region. We’ve been doing it for more years than we can count and that’s why we want to give you this professional guide to assist in the steps involved in the process. If you call in a professional cleaner like us, we’ll professionally pump out the organic material lying on the bottom using a tube inserted through the tank inlet. Many other professional tank cleaning services are available, so you can actively avoid trying to do any cleaning yourself. We strongly advise against this because some dangers go with this including working in confined spaces.
Maintenance for your rainwater tank
Maintenance of your rainwater tank is highly important because people tend to forget that they need it at all. After we deal with installing your tank with the precision and care required, most people simply let the rain, or a bore fill it up and then they use the contents. It isn’t a typical home installation that needs power, and it is mostly static, so it is easy for it to get forgotten about. It is only when the accumulation of sludge is suddenly stirred up by rain, the filters get blocked up and the water tastes terrible that we remember how important tank maintenance is. Rainwater tank maintenance consists of a few small tasks every year. This minor work is meant to check the structural integrity of your downpipes, and this helps to minimise the sludge from building up quicker than it should. The first thing we’ll do to look after your tank is to regularly check on it. We’ll do all of the following and more…
- We’ll check the level of the water, to ensure your reserves are where they always should be
- We’ll check all the critical elements like the liner and hatches to make sure they’re in good working order and if anything needs clearing or repair, sort it out early.
- We’ll get rid of debris and insects because they have a tendency to fall into water storage solutions on any household premises
- We’ll upgrade the clarity of the water because well-maintained tanks should be fairly clear of sludge and debris at the bottom of the tank
- We’ll then do basic maintenance every 6 months or so because large rain events can cause some of the issues listed above
Tank maintenance to make your installation last longer
A water storage tank can last up to 25 years or more but that is entirely dependent on how you use it and how you intend to take care of it. You need to ensure that you follow the correct maintenance and establish a relationship with a local tank expert to guarantee longevity. Australian Department of Health has several recommendations regarding your rainwater tank. One of them requires that you take care of a number of critical components, and we’ll go through some of them below: