Your septic tank is supposed to effectively function as a filter that treats wastewater by separating materials and making the water safe enough to be let into the earth. Although comprehensive septic tank servicing was more prominent in rural areas of the country, their application is becoming more widespread these days. There are new emerging reasons why they are being chosen as alternative waste management systems over typical sewerage infrastructure and some of them are about environmental considerations. No matter what the reason is for installation, septic tanks come at a cost to keep them clean and we’re going to help you navigate what to expect in broad terms. The cost of a septic tank also extends beyond the initial cash you need to clean it. As the sludge builds up in the septic tank, you will need to use other maintenance techniques to eliminate any issues and ensure the tank continues working properly. The best way to protect your investment and make the system last is to get the system pumped out every now and then. This is one of many things to consider before installing a septic tank but this guide is about the cash component.
How much does it cost to clean a septic tank?
The average cost to clean your septic tank across Australia is usually in the range of a couple of hundred dollars but that can vary depending on the size of the home and the location. Average sized septic tanks, with conventional system usage, for a four-bedroom home are anywhere between 0 to 0 in relation to cleaning services. In special cases, with unique cost factors, you may need to prepare almost a thousand dollars for a full cleanout.
Factors impacting the cost of your septic tank cleaning
The amount of manual labour required
When it comes to the cleaning and maintenance of your septic tank, it depends on the size of the job that dictates how much the overall cost will be. We all use our septic tanks differently. So, there will be some cleaning that is more extensive when compared to others. Consider the difference between domestic versus commercial uses in your daily routine. You handle cooking, showering, clothes washing and many other activities that culminate in the build-up of the system at home. The conditions at your workplace can be vastly different and therefore, there may be different work required for both.
The size of the tank
Naturally, larger systems will have more demanding cleaning needs than smaller ones. However, it gets even more complex than this. Smaller systems show signs of being full much sooner than large systems, so you may have to invest in comprehensive pump outs and cleaning more frequently with them. The septic tank system is designed to take in the wastewater from bathrooms, dishwashers, and washing machines and all the water from your home drains into one container. The size of your tank determines how much cleaning is required and that will impact the price.
The cost of regular maintenance
Septic tank cleaning is also a maintenance related cost. You may think that you only need septic tank cleaning when yours is completely full or malfunctioning. The reality is that you can invest in regular septic tank cleaning as a preventative measure too.
General guidelines for septic tank maintenance
Septic tanks are highly durable waste management systems but there are some materials that they cannot deal with that are likely to enter the system. There will be some solids not broken down by bacteria and they will start accumulating in the tank and must be removed at regular intervals. This comprises the main justification for regular septic tank maintenance. There is also detailed government guidance about septic tank maintenance that reinforces this notion. System failures are usually linked to the build-up of solids because they cause blockage and overflow. The seepage that comes from insufficiently maintained systems can negatively impact the soil, the premises, and the surface water. Here are some warning signs that something that may need the assistance of a professional as soon as possible.
Signs that your septic tank is malfunctioning
- Water overflows out from the tank openings onto the surrounding ground which results in puddles on your premises
- Strong unpleasant smells near the septic tank openings
- The sewage flows away very slowly or not at all in the toilet or from other fixtures inside your home
Benefits of septic tank cleaning
We may overlook it, but your septic tank system is actually one of the critical parts of how you function every day on our premises. You can avoid issues as long as you like but as soon as an emergency happens, it will have a seriously negative impact on your life in a big way. Besides this obvious justification for investing in regular septic tank cleaning, you should also want to protect your investment. Septic tanks that are too full will be put under a greater deal of pressure and won’t work as effectively. Simply rely on the services of an expert to professionally clean your septic tank and they will make sure that you have a system that is working at full capacity.
Can I pump my own septic tank?
You may think that you can do it yourself but we’re here to give you the cold hard truth. You are not licensed, experienced, or prepared enough to deal with the eradication of raw sewerage. Let us help you to establish a connection with a reliable septic tank pump contractor in Cobdogla, Glossop, Winkie and many more locations in this region. We’re far more equipped to get the job done in a way that protects everyone on the premises from potential bacterial harm and property damage. Our specialists are trained to come up with septic tank cleaning solutions perfect for your unique needs and give you a detailed explanation of the next plan of action. Let us help you with the septic tank planning, installation and upkeep of your building, office, or home. Call us on 08 8102 0998!