Regardless of how often you use your houseboat, you shouldn’t want your waste tank sitting full for too long. It isn’t pleasant work, and we also know that it shouldn’t be carried out by anyone other than a professional. In some situations, exposure to sewage can be a dangerous affair for the people involved and the bodies of water around them. Because of these and other obvious reasons, you should make a conscious effort to schedule a pump-out service at least once a month. Keep reading and we’ll do our best to tell you everything you need to know.
What is a boat pump out?
A boat pump-out is the necessary work of safely disposing of the waste accumulated on your boat. That waste is held in a very large tank on board the boat and has to be emptied out to prevent cases of overflow. Those that live on their boats, or spend weeks/months on end out on the water can benefit from the expertise of professional tank clearing and cleaning services in Renmark. Riverland Tank and Drain offers mobile pump-out services with any one of our high-powered machines. Whenever you need us, one of our trucks can be easily dispatched to your location to deal with the waste on your boat in no time. You may be wondering how often you should be calling us in, here is some advice
How often should you pump out your boat?
The rule of thumb is that you shouldn’t wait until it’s overflowing but you also shouldn’t schedule a pump out if your tank is empty. The best time for a holding tank pump-out is when it is at least three-quarters full. This is highly dependent on how you use the tank and what your typical patterns are. Regardless of how quickly you fill up your tank, it is designed to carry waste and it won’t suffer after extended periods of holding the contents. The only concern is the odour that eventually develops. Proper plumbing makes sure that you don’t have major odour issues to deal with and excessive odours can be handled with a treatment or control additive. Give us a call because in our extensive experience as a local tank cleaning and maintenance expert, we know what to use to limit odours. You could commit to a monthly boat pump out but, waiting longer should not be a problem if you use your boat very infrequently.
Difference between a holding tank and a septic tank
Holding tanks, and even those on houseboats, are sealed containers that hold wastewater for extended periods of time. Holding tanks should be professionally pumped out every 6-8 weeks and the tank cleaning specialist will make sure to avoid the seepage of sewage into the areas surrounding it. The average cost for septic tank cleaning is much more expensive than holding tank pump-outs but that is also dependent on the operator you use.
A septic tank, on the other hand, allows for longer storage periods of wastewater because it is treated and released into the ground through a mound or field. Septic tanks are designed to be self-functioning, but they also require professional pump-outs after a couple of years of usage. Riverland Tank and Drain can get you on a regular pumping schedule.
What happens when my holding tank is clogged?
These things happen and they can also be quickly managed. This usually happens when someone flushes something they shouldn’t. Houseboat holding tanks are sensitive waste management systems and they should be respected. The best thing you can do to prevent clogs is to remind everyone that nothing goes into the toilet outside of a strict list of items. Danger items include tissues, sanitary and other hygienic products, earbuds or otherwise. Only toilet paper cleared for houseboat toilet use is allowed. Average house toilet paper, it turns out, is a major issue that contributes to holding tank clogs. So, using fast decomposing paper is a good choice. Keeping the wrong stuff out of your tank is the best way to prevent clogs and nothing can unclog it faster than a professional company.
Maintenance for your houseboat holding tank
Whether they like it or not, all boat owners will have to perform maintenance on their boat’s plumbing systems. Even though many of them try to ignore this important investment, there is no denying its benefits. A boat, like any other engine powered unit, will experience an array of possible problems and that includes every aspect of the operational function. We gave you some advice in this guide about what you need to do to look after your boat’s holding tank, but we can offer you specialised help when it comes to minimizing the number and severity of waste management issues. There is a lot that goes into the health of your waste management system and an expert will train themselves to deal with all of them. Whenever you need us, we’re only a phone call away and can assist with your waste management concerns in Cobdogla, Glossop, Monash, Loxton and the entire Riverland region. We are more than happy to become your resident boat pump out and septic tank service provider for maintenance work and otherwise.
Call Riverland Tank and Drain for your next houseboat pump-out
Boat pump-outs are a dirty business, but we have trained ourselves to make neat work of it all. You just need to commit the effort and time and we will come on-site to keep your tank healthy and free of waste build-up. This is sure to cut down on those pesky smells and clogged up toilets that refuse to flush. You should never resort to taking matters into your own hands and we have a huge issue with boaters dumping their waste into rivers and other water bodies on this side of town. This is highly dangerous to the marine life around us and we are eager to put a stop to it straight away.