Waste management on domestic and commercial properties can be a messy business but it doesn’t have to be if you properly maintain your septic tanks. Septic tanks have a very long lifespan, and they only need a full pump out every four years or so for a full family in a household and a little more frequently for a commercial property depending on how much foot traffic it sees. You’ll only need help sooner than this if there’s an overflow in your septic tank but it’s easy to spot developing problems. If you are facing issues with your septic tank in Loxton, give Riverland Tank and Drain Cleaners a call.
We have prepared a guide for you to see and understand the signs of when your septic tank is full
What are the signs your septic tank is full?
Issues with your septic tank being full before the necessary pump out are usually a result of leach drain failure. Septic tanks are made up of two parts: the tank where the waste matter is kept, and a leach drain where water disperses. Liquid from the septic tank will flow into the leach drain where it will then be soaked into the surrounding soil for natural filtration and treatment. The septic tank will overflow if its drainage system isn’t working properly. Drainage failure is typically caused by clogging in the surrounding soil around the leach drain.
When this happens, the leach drain is too clogged to take any more water from the septic tank and it’ll be redirected elsewhere. This can cause sewage to back up into the house or create a pool of soggy ground around the system. Both things will cause unpleasant smells and a possible health hazard if left unattended for too long. If you have a more modern two-tank system, this shouldn’t be something that happens too often, but older one-tank systems are prone to overflow more frequently. You will need to call in a professional to deal with the overflow and we can easily perform the work of septic tank cleaners in Loxton. The contractor comes onto your property and may completely pump out the leach drain. This process could also include a replacement of the surrounding soil or the construction of an additional leach drain nearby. All you need to do is be vigilant to try and spot the signs.
Five signs that your septic tank is full
- Water waste overflows out from the tank openings
- You can spot wet areas or puddles at the top of the septic tank
- There is a strong unpleasant smell near the septic tank (you won’t miss this one)
- The grass around the tank looks lusher and greener than the rest of the surrounding grass
- Sewage flows away very slowly or not at all in the toilet or from other fixtures
What causes septic tank overflow?
Septic tank overflow can be an issue with the system’s drainage outlet but sometimes it’s also an issue of how it’s used. You need to be using the water on your residential or commercial property effectively and sparingly to make sure that you aren’t causing strain on your septic tank. It is designed to handle a certain amount of capacity and it will overflow if it holds more water than it’s supposed to. If it’s over capacitated with water, it won’t break down the solid waste as effectively as it should and cause blockages. We suggest doing laundry once a week in big loads instead of frequent small loads. Consider using water more sparingly in your bathroom when it comes to showering and the toilet. Toilet leaks can also cause septic tank overflow so make sure you call a plumber to resolve those as soon as they appear. Take it from us, this could make all the difference.
What to do if you see the warning signs?
Immediately consult with a wastewater expert. Riverland Tank and Drain offers emergency overflow and a range of other domestic and commercial tank and drains services in Barmera, Loxton, Renmark, Glossop, Berri, Monash, Loveday, Winkie and Cobdogla and the surrounding suburbs. We strongly advise that you AVOID opening and inspecting the septic tank yourself as it is against national guidelines. The tank is filled with toxic gases that are very dangerous if you encounter them. A specialist is trained to identify what the issue is and give you a detailed explanation about the next plan of action. It might be a pump out, treatment or activation. We’ve given you a guide for recognizing signs with your septic tank but they’re not definite indications that you need a full pump out, it might require an alternative fix. Riverland Tank and Drain will help you assess the severity of the situation and a solution for the required services.
Let us help you with the septic tank planning, installation and upkeep on your building, office, or home. Call us on 08 8102 0998 or visit our contact us page to get a free quote.